News Ivan Nossa interviewed at Radio Visione Alchemica 13 November 2016 Ivan Nossa interviewed at Radio Visione Alchemica
News Ivan presents the book at the Anima bookstore in Milan 17 September 2016 Ivan presents the book at the Anima bookstore in Milan
News Ivan Nossa talks about the new book with MusicaeventiMilano 25 July 2016 Ivan Nossa talks about the new book, life, Joe Vitale, joy and much more with MusicaeventiMilano
News “Trasforma in Oro tutto ciò che tocchi” is available 4 July 2016 The Italian version of The Midas Touch, is available.
News Ivan Nossa interviewed by Bert Martinez at Money for lunch 19 June 2016 Ivan is interviewed by Bert Martinez at the radio show "Money for lunch".
News Law of Attraction – 13 April 2016 Ivan Nossa talks about the Law of Attraction in an interview by Anima.TV
Film Ivan co-produces “Another world” 11 April 2016 Ivan co-produces the movie “Another World” directed by Thomas Torelli. An extraordinary movie that guides the spectator to a new form of consciousness.
News The Prosperity Factor – Al primo posto su Amazon 7 April 2016 The Prosperity Factor rises to first place on Amazon
News Brussels, european Parliament: screening of “Another World” 6 April 2016 Screening e dibattito con il regista Thomas Torelli ospitato dall’eurodeputato Tiziana Beghin, efdd, MoVimento 5 Stelle