News Ivan Nossa interviewed at Radio Visione Alchemica 13 November 2016 Ivan Nossa interviewed at Radio Visione Alchemica
Film Museum of the movie billboard of Milan 11 October 2016 Ivan Nossa creates the movie exhibition of the Museum of the movie billboard of Milan A new consciousness. From Positive thinking to the infinite possibilities of the Human Being.
News Ivan presents the book at the Anima bookstore in Milan 17 September 2016 Ivan presents the book at the Anima bookstore in Milan
About me Ivan Nossa talks to Ipersoap magazine 12 September 2016 Ivan Nossa talks to Ipersoap magazine
About me Ivan Nossa interviewed at 16 August 2016 Primapaginaonline interviews Ivan Nossa and talks about the new book
News Ivan Nossa talks about the new book with MusicaeventiMilano 25 July 2016 Ivan Nossa talks about the new book, life, Joe Vitale, joy and much more with MusicaeventiMilano