Gratitude is slowly becoming my main passion and I feel so furtunate to have this in my life, I had the pleasure of making a book list on Gratitude, you can take a look at…
This book has been created to aid you not only in attracting the life of your dreams, but also in moving beyond towards awakening to the highest level of personal transformation possible.
This book is a bestseller in Italy and has brought joy and serenity to thousands of people. Would you like to leave with me for a fantastic journey? A journey with a few obstacles but…
You can see it here: Would you like to be the master of your destiny? This book has been created to aid you not only in attracting the life of your dreams, but also in…
Vorrei innanzitutto invitarti a guardare il book trailer Questo libro chiude la trilogia dell’autore e apre i cuori al meraviglioso cammino della vita. Vuoi partire con Ivan Nossa per un viaggio prodigioso? Verso una meta…
In July 2020 “The Power and Magic of Love”, the last book of Ivan’s trilogy, will be published in Italy. It took longer than expected, because the journey of love is a never ending one.
Ivan Nossa, Joe Vitale and Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe among the protagonists of the new Italian director Thomas Torelli movie called Choose Love. A movie rich in emotinal stories that talks about the power of choosing…